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Just a lovely looking game. Great clean visual style and the bubble particle effect and lighting effects are very stylish. I was impressed by the different levels and modes and fluid controls. I loved how the flashlight turns on at the Abyssal zone and how the enemy types began changing.

One point that is hopefully constructive: I found myself a little frustrated at times when a fish hit my fin and it damaged me, maybe the hitbox could be toned down a bit by the fins? I didn't find it too difficult, but it felt like I was being discouraged from making too risky of a maneuver because I wasn't sure exactly what would hit my fins/feet.

Even on Windows, it was a great experience that felt fine with mouse controls, but I would bet it is even better on mobile. Amazing work!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing the game and I’m glad you liked it!!

I agree with the hit box issue.. I plan on updating the game soon and add more creatures and levels, and I’m also considering adding it to the Play Store.. I’ll make sure to tweak the hitbox before that.

Any thoughts on the pacing of the zones?

Sure, I think the pacing is generally fine, if not a bit slow in the shallow zones. It would be neat if there was more to differentiate the zones instead of just color/light level.

It might be because the sea creatures are all pretty alike other than looks/hitbox, so it starts to feel a little stale in the shallow zones after several consecutive runs. Maybe the creatures could have distinct movement patterns that make the early zones more interesting? Or maybe allow the diver to progress faster if you keep them towards the bottom of the screen?

Good point.. I’ll definitely play around with these ideas. Thanks for all the feedback! :D